Getting started with Ansible
Getting Started with Ansible:
- AWS Account
- EC2 sandbox
- called test-box
- uses a key pair (ie cloud9.pem)
- Fedora\Redhat\Centos operating system
- IP Address of test-box
- Download the pem file to Cloud9 (ie cloud9.pem)
- Cloud9 up and running
Installing Ansible on Cloud9 (or Fedora/Redhat/Centos)
which python # confirm that python 2.7+ is installed
yum install ansible # install ansible on Cloud9
vim /etc/ansible/hosts # update to add hosts & ip address
Now we create main.yml file that will run shell commands for ec2-user on a sandbox called test-box. NOTE: yml arrangement must be perfect, yml is not forgiving
- hosts: test-box
remote_user: ec2-user
- name: update Cloud9 / Fedora / Redhat / CentOS
shell: sudo yum update -y >> /tmp/os.out
- name: confirm python is install
shell: which python >> /tmp/os.out
- name: check disk space
shell: df -h >> /tmp/os.out
- name: check uname
shell: uname -a >> /tmp/os.out
- name: memory information
shell: cat /proc/meminfo >> /tmp/os.out
- name: cpu info
shell: cat /proc/cpuinfo >> /tmp/os.out
- name: linux release info
shell: cat /etc/*lease >> /tmp/os.out
- name: ulimit
shell: ulimit -a >> /tmp/os.out
Now its time to run Ansible
ansible-playbook --key-file cloud9.pem main.yml
Now its time to confirm that Ansible ran some commands successfully review the ansible.out log and that Apache2 was installed
ssh -i "cloud9.pem" ec2-user@$IPADDRESS
Written on February 1, 2019