Let's Encrypt Certificates
Let’s Encrypt is a free Certificate Authority (CA) that issues SSL certificates. Let’s Encrypt certificates are only valid for 90 days. You will need to install the lego client on Cloud9.
# Variables
export DOMAIN=example.com
export EMAIL_ADDRESS=dkenner@example.com
export APACHE_CONF=/opt/apache2/conf
export LEGO_PATH=/etc/lego
# Stop the Apache server
# Request a new certificate for your domain
lego --email="$EMAIL_ADDRESS" --domains="$DOMAIN" --domains="www.$DOMAIN" --path="/etc/lego" run
# confirm they were built
ls -al $LEGO_PATH/certificates | grep $DOMAIN.crt
ls -al $LEGO_PATH/certificates | grep $DOMAIN.key
# Link the new SSL certificate and certificate key file to the correct locations, for Apache Web Server.
# Update the file permissions to make them readable by the root user only.
mv $APACHE_CONF/server.crt $APACHE_CONF/server.crt.old
mv $APACHE_CONF/server.key $APACHE_CONF/server.key.old
mv $APACHE_CONF/server.csr $APACHE_CONF/server.csr.old
ln -s $LEGO_PATH/certificates/$DOMAIN.key $APACHE_CONF/server.key
ln -s $LEGO_PATH/certificates/$DOMAIN.crt $APACHE_CONF/server.crt
chmod 600 $APACHE_CONF/server*
# Start the Apache server
Written on December 31, 2018